Restless Creature: Wendy Whelan

Restless Creature - poster.png

Release Date: May 25, 2017

Running Time: 90 min

Rating: NR

Director: Linda Saffire and Adam Schlesinger

Producer: Diana Dimenna

Cast: Wendy Whelan

Synopsis: Restless Creature: Wendy Whelan offers an intimate portrait of prima ballerina, Wendy Whelan, as she prepares to leave New York City Ballet after a record -setting three decades with the company.  One of the modern era’s most acclaimed dancers, Whelan was a principal ballerina for NYCB.  As the film opens, Whelan is 46, battling a painful injury that has kept her from the ballet stage, and facing the prospect of her impending retirement from the company.  What we see as we journey with her, is a woman of tremendous strength, resilience, and good humor.  We watch Whelan brave the surgery that she hopes will enable her comeback to NYCB and we watch her begin to explore the world of contemporary dance as she steps outside the traditionally patriarchal world of ballet to create Restless Creature, a collection of four contemporary vignettes forged in collaboration with four young choreographers.